

Importing Documentation

The Reference section of Presidium should be reserved as a low-level reference for users. Typical components documented in the Reference section may include a client library or API specification. The process of importing documentation involves parsing a reference source and generating articles that are included in the generated site.

Where possible, reference documentation should be generated to ensure that your documentation is in sync with the system being documented.

Presidium supports the following documentation sources:

For other sources that do not yet have an importer, documentation can be embedded into references.


Presidium includes a Golang tool (presidium-oapi3 for importing your OpenAPI 3 spec into Presidium documentation.

  1. Add the presidium-oapi3 dependency to your site’s package.json or run npm install --save presidium-oapi3.
  2. Add a script that invokes the tool.
  3. Run npm run import-oapi whenever you need to update your API documentation.
    "scripts" : {
        "import-oapi" : "presidium-oapi3"


$ npm run import-oapi convert -f <YOUR_API_SPEC> -o <THE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY> -r <THE_PRESIDIUM_REFERENCE_URL>

The following options are available for presidium-oapi3:

-n, --apiName stringThe name under which the generated docs will be grouped
-f, --file stringOpenAPI 3 spec file
-o, --outputDir stringThe output directory
-r, --referenceURL stringThe reference URL (default “reference”)
-h, --helphelp for convert

HTML to Markdown converter

html2md is a tool that allows you to convert HTML files into Presidium markdown articles.


Install from Homebrew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Add SPAN’s Homebrew tap

brew tap SPANDigital/homebrew-tap

Install html2md

brew install html2md


  html2md convert [source] [dest] [flags]

  -d, --debug             enable debug logging
      --headers strings   article header tags (default [h1,h2])
      --select string     the part of the page to select and convert (default "body")


source is the url of the website or the path to the local html file(s).
dest is the path to the directory where the converted markdown files will be saved.


Download and convert the Presidium website

html2md convert ./presidium --select="#presidium-content"

Convert local html files

html2md convert ./html-files ./presidium --select=.article --headers=h1

This converter does not output all the files needed to build a complete Presidium website. You will still need to create a Presidium site first, or import the converted markdown files into an existing site. The converted markdown files will be saved in the content directory relative to the dest path along with assets (images, videos, etc) in the assets directory.

Advanced usage

You can define a config.yml file in your working directory or in$HOME/.html2md directory with additional options to control the conversion.

Remove HTML

The html.remove option allows you to selectively remove elements from your source document before converting it to Markdown. This can be useful when you want to clean up your HTML content or remove unwanted elements that have no relevance.

Example Usage:

  remove: ['.nav-link', '#warning']

In this example, all element matching the CSS selectors .nav-link or #warning will be removed before conversion.

Replace HTML

The html.replace option allows you to transform specific HTML elements into custom Markdown syntax, giving you greater control over the appearance and structure of your converted document.

Example Usage:

Suppose you have HTML content that includes tooltips, and you want to convert them into Markdown-friendly syntax. Here’s how you can achieve this using the “Replace HTML” feature:

  - match: '.tooltips-term' # CSS selector for the element to be replaced
    select: ['?href', '.tooltips-text'] # ?href selects the href attribute of the matched element, .tooltips-text selects the content of a child element with the class "tooltips-text"
    replace: '{{< tooltip "$1" text="$2" >}}' # $1 and $2 are the selected elements

In this example, the CSS selector .tooltips-term is specified as the element to be replaced. The select field allows you to capture specific attributes and content relative to the matched element. Finally, the replace pattern converts the selected elements into a Markdown tooltip format.

In addition to the standard CSS-selectors, select allows you to select attributes on the matched element using the ? prefix. You can also get the text of the matched element by passing text in the select list.

Replace Markdown

Similar to the HTML replace you can also replace markdown based on a Regex pattern.

Example Usage:

Let’s say you have Markdown content with links, and you want to prepend the base URL to all these links.

    - pattern: '\[([^]]+)\]\(([^\)]+)\)'
      with: "[$1]({{< baseurl >}}$2)"

Sample config

  remove: ['.article-title .permalink', '#warning'] # CSS selectors for elements that should be removed before conversion.
    - match: '.tooltips-term' # CSS selector for the element to be replaced.
      # Below are the arguments to select elements relative to the matched element.
      select: ['?href', '.tooltips-text']
      # Replacement pattern with the selected arguments.
      replace: '{{< tooltip "$1" text="$2" >}}'
    - pattern: '\[([^]]+)\]\(([^\)]+)\)' # Regex pattern used for selecting and capturing specific content.
      # The captured content is then utilized in the replacement pattern below.
      with: "[$1](/$2)" # This is the replacement pattern for converting Markdown links.
whitelist: [''] # URLs that should be whitelisted for conversion
assetDir: 'assets' # The directory where assets should be saved
contentDir: 'content' # The directory where the converted markdown files should be saved

JSON Schema

presidium-json-schema is a CLI tool for importing your JSON Schema spec into Presidium documentation.


brew tap SPANDigital/homebrew-tap brew install presidium-json-schema


  presidium-json-schema convert [path] [flags]

  -d, --destination string   the output directory (default ".")
  -e, --extension string     the schema extension (default "*.schema.json")
  -o, --ordered              preserve the schema order (defaults to alphabetical)
  -w, --walk                 walk through sub-directories

To convert a file you simply:

presidium-json-schema convert <PATH_TO_SCHEMA_DIR> -d <THE_DESTINATION_DIR>


A fallback approach to importing generated documentation is to embed documentation in an iframe. This approach is not recommended because items are not indexed or available on the main menu. However, it will work for certain cases when an importer is not yet available.

When possible, use a simple template when embedding documentation in an iframe.

To include documentation in an iframe:

  1. Generate the static site documentation for your component.
  2. Put the documentation in the /static folder so that it’s statically served. The Presidium convention is to place it under /static/import/{my-reference}.
  3. Add a reference article to the Reference section:

title: My Reference



You can create multiple Markdown files for different components as required.

Link Validation

This tool reports links within a Presidium site. You can use this tool see which links are broken, points to non standard protocols.

The tool does not need a live Presidium site to work against, so the site does not need to be deployed.

How to use the tool

  1. Generate a local public site by running presidium hugo:

    presidium hugo
  2. Next run the tool pointing to the public site:

    presidium report pagelinks ./public

Inspect the report

For example:

presidium validate ./public

        total: 864
  valid links: 864
       broken: 0
     external: 0
     warnings: 0

Broken links, external and dynamic (and/or non standard) links will be reported in detail.

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Generated on Jan 17, 2024