

This is a sample Presidium configuration file:

languageCode: en-us
title: "Sample Title"
copyright: Template Footer
pluralizelisttitles: false
      Unsafe: true
        block: true
    style: github
  - identifier: organization-overview
    name: Organization Overview
    url: /
    weight: 1
  - identifier: solution-overview
    name: Solution Overview
    url: /solution-overview/
    weight: 2
  - identifier: technology-stack
    name: Technology Stack
    url: /technology-stack/
    weight: 3
  - identifier: tool-chain
    name: Tool Chain
    url: /tool-chain/
    weight: 4
  - identifier: dev-environment-setup
    name: Dev Environment Setup
    url: /dev-environment-setup/
    weight: 5
  - identifier: getting-started
    name: Getting Started
    url: /getting-started/
    weight: 6
  - identifier: reference
    name: Reference
    url: /reference/
    weight: 7
  - identifier: updates
    name: Updates
    url: /updates/
    weight: 8
    baseName: menu
    mediaType: application/json
    baseName: searchmap
    mediaType: application/json
  - HTML
  - RSS
  - MenuIndex
  - SearchMap
  - path:
enableInlineShortcodes: true
  - lastmod
  - :fileModTime
  - :default


Presidium provides some themes when spinning up your Presidium Site through the command line. You will see something like this when running presidium init:

Select a theme
  ✔ Presidium Theme - (Presidium's default theme)

If you already have a presidium site, you can enable your theme by adding a module in the configuration file:

    - path: <Your theme>

The default Presidium logo image is placed and loaded from the pre-configured template.

To update the site’s logo place the logo image into the static/images folder and update the site’s config logo variable as seen below logo: [path to logo]

Ideally the logo should have the following specifications 260px × 124px and can be of type: png, jpg or svg


The default Presidium favicon image is placed and loaded from the pre-configured template.

To update the site’s favicon place the favicon image into the static/images folder and update the site’s config favIcon variable as seen below favIcon: [path to favicon]

Ideally the favIcon can be of type: png, jpg or svg, ico.

Title tag

The browser <title> tag is populated with the title provided when spinning up your Presidium Site throught the command line. You can modify it by changing the title key in the configuration file.


Articles are stored in the content directory. Associated resources, such as images, are stored in the media directory. The config.yaml file is used to configure the project.

./config.yamlGeneral options to configure the project
./staticVarious resources for the project (images, imported content, etc.)

All content changes are monitored; any change triggers a regeneration of the site.



Images used within the content should be placed in a static/images directory

    -- static/doc-workflow.png

Logos and favicons


The Logo of the site appears above the Menu Navigation.

Logos should be placed in the static/images directory.

Note: If a brand module is used the instruction above does not apply. Ensure the brand module includes the static/images directory with the logo inside.

The menu bar Logo can be configured in the config file, under params:

    logo: [path to logo] either locally or from the brand module


logo: images/logo.png  
logo: images/logo.svg


The favicon is the symbol that appears on the tab of the site, next to the title.

Favicons should be placed in the static/images directory.

Note: If a brand module is used the instruction above does not apply. Ensure the brand module includes the static/images directory with the favicon inside.

The menu bar Logo can be configured in the config file, under params:

    favicon: [path to favicon] (either locally or from the brand module)


favicon: images/favicon.svg  
favicon: images/favicon.ico

Front matter


Front Matter serves two purposes:

  • Indicates that the file should be included as an article in the build process
  • Allows you to set properties for your article

For example:

title: Presidium
slug: overview
url: front-matter/overview
weight: 1
authors: github-username
roles: Developer
status: Draft

Presidium includes the following front matter variables:

titleA string representing the article or subsection title or the title of the subsection.
slugA string representing the slug for deep linking the article
urlA string representing the URL for the article
weightA number to provide ordering of articles, a higher number means the article will appear later in the section
authorA string, generally the Github username of the main author of the article.
githubA string, representing the Github username of the main author of the article.
rolesA list of strings representing the appropriate roles for an article.
statusA string that indicates the status of the article (draft, complete, in progress, etc.)


Every article can include an author in the front matter:

author: {author name}

Optional links to authors can be enabled by setting a base URL in the site config:

      newTab: false

To customize the label for authors, provide a new label in the site config:

    label: Custom Label

To hide or show authors on your generated site, enable or disable the component in the site config:

    author: true|false

User Roles

Various roles can be added to a site to allow readers to filter articles and menu items by a target audience.

This optional feature can be enabled by defining user roles in the site config.

    label: "Show documentation for"
    all: "All Roles"
      - "Business Analyst"
      - "Developers"
      - "Testers"

If a role is not specified, articles default to roles.all

Articles can have one or more roles defined in front-matter:

roles: [Developer, Business Analyst]
roles: [Developer]

To show or hide roles on articles in your generated site, use the following setting in the site config:

    roles: true|false


Each article can be assigned a status to track its lifecycle:

  • draft
  • review
  • published
  • retired

Statuses can be set in the site’s front matter:

status: draft|review|published|retired

To show or hide statuses on your generated site, use the following setting in the site config:

    status: true|false

External URLs

Sections can redirect to an external URL either in the same tab or a new one.

This can be done by setting the externalUrl in the site config like so:

    - identifier: external-link
      name: External Link
      url: /
      weight: 1
          href: ""
          newTab: true
    - identifier: another-external-link
      name: Another External Link
      url: /
      weight: 2
          href: ""
          newTab: false 

The newTab attribute is optional and defaults to true


Headings & Emphasis

Heading are indicated with a hash.

Heading 1

# Heading 1

Heading 2

## Heading 2

Heading 3

### Heading 3

Use either bold, italics, or monospaced font styling for emphasis:

Italicized text

*Italicized text*

Bold text

**Bold text**

Identifiers and code

`Identifiers and code`

Bullets & Numbering

Markdown allows bullets and numbering to be nested.

Use bullets to list unordered items.


  • Sentence 1.
  • Sentence 2.
    • Nested sentence 1.
    • Nested sentence 2.
      • Double nested sentence.
* Sentence 1.
* Sentence 2.
    - Nested sentence 1.
    - Nested sentence 2.
        + Double nested sentence.


Use a numbered list for steps that should be done in order. You can number the list yourself or have Presidium do the numbering automatically:

  1. One

  2. Two

  3. Three

  4. Four

  5. Five

  6. Six

1. One
1. Two
1. Three

4. Four
5. Five
6. Six


You can link to internal articles in your repository, to external articles, or even to other semantically significant text. Any text enclosed in angle brackets will be interpreted as a link. If you want to add a description, use square brackets for the description and parenthesis for the link.

- Internal Page link: [Presidium Authors]({{< ref "reference/front-matter/" >}})
- Internal Anchor link: [Presidium Authors]({{< ref "reference/front-matter/#authors" >}})
- External link: <>
- Alternative: [Presidium on Github](


Markdown provides a simple syntax for creating tables using hyphens and horizontal bars / pipes.

first headingsecond headingthird heading
row 1 column 1row 1 column 2row 1 column 3
row 2 column 1row 2 column 2row 2 column 3
row 3 column 1row 3 column 2row 3 column 3
row 4 column 1row 4 column 2row 4 column 3
| first heading  | second heading | third heading  |
| row 1 column 1 | row 1 column 2 | row 1 column 3 |
| row 2 column 1 | row 2 column 2 | row 2 column 3 |
| row 3 column 1 | row 3 column 2 | row 3 column 3 |
| row 4 column 1 | row 4 column 2 | row 4 column 3 |


Unusual content can be included in blockquotes, which always begin with a closed angle bracket. In these examples, the Bootstrap Glyphicons have been used to embellish the text.

This is a blockquote

  • List in blockquote


  • List in blockquote

Other examples






> **TODO**
> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt"></span>

> <http://my/url/>
> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tags"></span>

> **Decision:**
> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-knight"></span>

> **Example:**
> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-flag"></span>

> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign"></span>


To add code blocks to your content, enclose the code with three backticks. For syntax highlighting, set the language directly after the first set of backticks. Alternatively, you can indent your code / machine output to treat it as preformatted text. For single line inline code, use a single backtick.


var N = 32;
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(N);
var N = 32;
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(N);


my_array = [i for i in range(0, N)]
my_array = [i for i in range(0, N)]


int * my_func(int * in) {
    return in;
int * my_func(int * in) {
    return in;


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("hello world")
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("hello world")


Github-flavoured Markdown supports many languages for code blocks. For a full list, go to Github.


Put any images you want to include in the /static/images directory and reference them in the text. Note the exclamation point. The image path may be fully resolved:

Image Name

![Image Name](/images/logo.png)

Image with attributes

Sample image Sample image
{{< img src="/images/logo.png" caption="Sample image" style="width:25%;" >}}


To include a caption, add Caption after an image link. For example:

Sample Image With Caption Sample Image With Caption

![Sample Image With Caption](/images/logo.png)
*Sample Image With Caption*


Tooltips display a short definition of an item. There are two ways to create tooltips:

  • Automatic from the Glossary
  • Via Link Override

Automatic Tooltips

Automatic tooltips reference Glossary entries. If a Glossary article by the name of “Tooltips” exists, a tooltip will be available for the following item:

TooltipsThis is an example of a Glossary entry linked to from here.
{{< tooltip "Tooltips" >}}`

You can use an internal article as the source of a tooltip. Presidium will use the first 100 words of the article to construct the tooltip, so you should make sure the text will work as a tooltip. Note that the text used for the demarcation of a tooltip does not need to match the article title, like this,Before you write any content, spend some time anticipating what tasks you need to perform and make sure you have the time and resources to achieve your goals. The following steps work for both small and large projects: Design the site structure Inventory existing content Plan the conversion of existing content into articles Map the planned articles to your structure Identify required new articles Repurpose existing content into articles Write new articles Proofread and edit Publish Discussion The most important planning task is identifying the scope of your documentation efforts and understanding the needs of your audience. Presidium is pre-configured with a set of standard sections that are commonly used in software documentation. You can use this framework when starting to scope your project. which links to an article on plan content development.

{{< tooltip "this," "best-practices/" >}}

Side By Side Content

A shortcode is available ({{< sidebyside >}}) in order to have content, within a single file, in two different columns that are side by side.

Create side-by-side content by using the following:

<div class="side-by-side">
<div style="float:left; width:50%">

Content you want on the left hand side of the site

<div style="float:right; width:50%">

Content you want on the right hand side of the site


Note: --split-content-- is where the content is to be split between left and right. Without this keyword the site will fail to render the two columns correctly

© Copyright 2024 SPAN Digital

Generated on Jan 17, 2024